Saturday, October 23, 2010

I get too close for comfort.

Through the grapevine, I heard that a local radio station would host a meeting of celebrities.

I had to get in on that.

Uninvited, I arrived at the station which looked a lot like a cross between my grandparents' house and the house in which I grew up. While I ate, Zac Efron wandered out of the station and toward the restaurant. I stood up to approach him.

"Wow," I said, as I pulled my camera out from my pants pocket. "This is such a coincidence! Can I get a photo with you?"

"Sure," he said.

So I handed my camera to a stranger. Zac and I stood close, his arm around my shoulder. The stranger snapped the shot and handed the camera back.

"Thank you!" I said. And I looked down to see whether the picture came out nicely.

"Wow," I said to Zac. "I really do not remember biting your face. Can we try this again?"

He agreed, and we did.

Then, I woke up.

- - - -

I originally documented this dream on June 10, 2010.


  1. "I really do not remember biting your face!" Hahaha. I love your dreams, Arleen.

    Last night, while I was watching Dexter, I heard The Screamer next door on one of his tirades. When I went to bed, I dreamed that he killed his family and dismembered them and put the individual pieces in garbage trash bags (which is what Dexter does in his show), which he then threw into the dumpster behind our apartment complex. Even in my dream, I knew that that was pretty sloppy work. I mean, it's right in public! I don't care how awesome trash bags are, people are going to notice body parts in a public dumpster.

  2. Lol! That's awesome. I wonder what I might've seen or heard to inspire a dream in which I bit Zac Efron's face. :-/

    I dreamt last night, but I don't remember enough of it for an entry. I think, however, it involved a classroom at a doctor's office, floating on a raft around a winding river and briefly being Julia Roberts.

  3. Hahaha! Too bad you don't remember that one! Hopefully it'll come back to you...
