Friday, October 22, 2010

I investigate murders.

My mom and I pulled up to the police station to peruse the evidence collected at the scene of a murder. The evidence, much to our advantage as investigators, included the entire scene of the crime: two cars with the deceased inside, sitting up and clearly stuffed by a taxidermist. Among the victims? A long haired dachshund. A baby. Ronald McDonald. And while we perused, they each came back to life.

Naturally, we took them home with us.

But we knew we had only a matter of time before the police would show up to find out what we'd done to the scene of the crime. I also knew that if we were found out, we'd be accused of tampering with evidence. I tried to convince Ronald McDonald to change his clothes so police wouldn't recognize him, but he refused. So in hopes that it would deter the authorities in case they came looking for him, I put pants and a shirt on a paper towel roll.

Then, I woke up.

- - - -

I originally documented this dream upon waking up on April 1, 2010.


  1. I am laughing so hard as I read these! SO GLAD you started this blog.

  2. LOL. Yay! I'm so glad. As hard as I laugh almost every time I recall a dream, I figured I can't go on not publicly sharing this stuff.

  3. Lol. You're welcome, Sarah. This blog was actually my brainchild. Though the dreams documented in it are strictly the children of Arleen's brain.
